Monday Musings ~ Weekly Reading for 1/10-1/16

Hi guys, Happy New Year! I had planned on coming back to readings and being present here much earlier, but things don’t always go according to plan–which is OKAY! We must give ourselves grace from time to time to allow us to work on realigning.

In order to stand in our truth we must look at our light and shadow selves. This week is asking us to look at both aspects of ourselves to reveal who we are and who we want to be. Once we are more aware of where we align with our soul’s purpose can we discern which opportunities are best to pursue this year.

1/10 – 1/12

The Sun, weekly reading using the wayhome tarot

Let your inner light shine by doing all things from a place of joy and gratitude. What you radiate will also seek you out. These are some of the key things to remember when you’re in your manifestation energy.

Be true to yourself and you will never feel like you’ve let yourself down at the end of the day. Choose yourself, your own happiness, and everything will fall into place. Your authenticity attracts what is meant for you!

This Tuesday, 1/11, is a highly charged energetic portal brimming with manifestation power. Create your dreams by standing firm in your truth with gratitude in your heart.

Gratitude allows us to raise our vibrations and get closer to the dimension where all things are possible. No desire is too great to manifest. Affirm that you are worthy of it and appreciate all that you already have.

Work on raising your vibrations during this potent portal. When you wake up, think of the first 3 things you’re grateful for.

Carry that energy throughout the day by practicing radical gratitude. Give thanks for all the good and all the bad that comes your way. Pay attention to the small positives that you might not notice usually. Finding the good in the negative parts of the day can help clear low vibe energy so that you can be more aligned in your light.

Try incorporating gratitude journaling at the end of the day and read it the next morning. See how your mood is throughout the day. Do things bother you less than they did the day before? Do you notice more things you appreciate that were overlooked? Check in with yourself and notice the changes. These changes propel us into a new future of our choosing! 

1/13 – 1/14

The Moon, weekly reading from wayhome tarot deck

Sometimes I question whether I should read reversed cards or not, but then I see the imagery from some of the decks and remember why reversed cards make sense to me.

The reverse of The Moon from this deck, the Wayhome Tarot, speaks to me because it is emphasizing our dark shadow side. We are being urged to embrace our shadows so they may shine a light onto our whole being.

The first half of the week asked us to focus on the light and the second half of the week is asking us to shine that light on our shadows. Reflection and growth requires us to go within and assess both the light and dark sides of ourselves.

We must not fear our shadows, but embrace them, because they are opportunities for us to transmute and create. Once we make a crack in that darkness, there is now space for light to get in. It illuminates the vast space that is waiting to be filled. It is here where alchemy and magic are possible.

If you have been feeling stuck, trust that facing your shadows will only open doors for you and that you get to choose which doors are opened.

Perhaps you were able to identify some shadows in your triggers earlier this week while practicing radical gratitude. The light you found in these situations helped raise your vibrations, but it’s also important to revisit them to rewire your reactions in the future.

What were the shadow aspects of yourself at those times? Why do you consider them shadow aspects—-how did they make you feel, think, or react? We can show gratitude for our shadows by working on healing them. For without darkness, there is no light. We’d be blissfully drifting without the contrast. Acknowledge the blessing of being able to see both aspects so that we may evolve from our shadows.

1/15 – 1/16

7 of cups weekly reading from wayhome tarot deck

After reflecting on both the light and shadow aspects of ourselves, we are better able to tune into what’s really true to our soul. Evaluating both sides of ourselves reveals who we are and who we want to become.

The 7 of Cups presents multiple opportunities, but not all of them will be right for us. After the week’s reflections, look at all the options before you and discern which ones truly align with your soul’s truth.

It can be easy to get sucked into doing things that you feel like you should be doing because it’s what everyone else is doing. It’s okay if your purpose is similar to others, but you don’t have to go at it in the same way.

We are all here to forge our own path. Trust that the Universe is there to support you when you choose to do things your way. That trust is your ultimate safety net!

Live your truth and be confident in your authenticity. We are not here to be liked by everyone or to follow someone else’s plan. We are here to create our wildest dreams. We are here to live our truth. We are here to spread love–and that begins with loving ourselves.

Love your light. Love your shadows. Love your whole being because everything you’ve gone through and experienced is uniquely yours. You’ve made it this far and you’re going to continue to grow into the best version of yourself. What you desire will seek you out when you are lovingly aligned with your truth.

🎴 Looking for something a bit more personalized? Head over to my Instagram stories for oracle readings offered throughout the week!

I’d love to know what resonated within you. If I can support you in any way, let’s connect!
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